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Harness your inner leader

Step into the paddock and discover your natural strengths, qualities and character like never before.

Why horses? The benefits of Equine assisted learning

Horses are master teachers. Over thousands of years, our two species have developed a unique bond. Working with horses helps us understand our social constructs, emotions and behaviours. When we learn the way of the horse, we become self-aware as we earn their trust. This is embodied leadership. This is what it means to build relationships.

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Key Outcomes of working with horses

How it works Let go of who you think you're supposed to be

Have you had experiences where you were totally out of your comfort zone? It’s disruptive, confusing, intimidating. Fight or flight kicks in and our bodies react, charged with emotion, before we’re able to make sense of the situation and compose ourselves. And so we fall into these patterns; different patterns with different people, withdrawing from some, confronting with others. Always wishing we’d responded differently. Horses, due to their sheer size and presence, recreate these experiences and give us the opportunity to practice leadership while letting go.

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Team Development

Herds are to horses just like teams are to people. Step out of your comfort zone and learn through integrable, outcomes-based activities with horses how to be more productive, happy and successful in your team.

Leadership Coaching

Whole life leadership coaching will impact your life and world, building your self-authority and self-authorship. Through a dynamic intrapersonal process, challenge your leadership styles, values and beliefs to serve you in achieving your desired outcomes.

Personal Growth

Go on a personal growth journey to become more self-aware, confident in your choice, congruent in who you are. Imagine living fully and wholly expressed; comfortable in your skin; you, untamed!

Core values are more than just words, they're a way of life

Be honest with yourself. Don’t play small or hide behind a facade. Live up to your values and purpose and embrace living fully expressed in your wholeness: with yourself, with other species, with the world.

Always be curious about life. Chomp at the bit to seek the truth, especially about yourself. Explore the world and all its possibilities. Be brave and embrace failure: it’s always rich in information.

Find your herd where you can kick up your heels, get messy and make some noise. You belong; so live your life, fierce, passionate, fully expressed.

Create respectful, safe, supportive spaces for humans and horses alike. Be vulnerable, willing to step into your brilliance and become your most authentic self.

Multiple Dates | Summer 2020
Pandher Blueberry Farms, Langley City, BC

Upcoming Event Living through Uncertainty - an Equine Experience

Multiple Dates | Summer 2020
Pandher Blueberry Farms, Langley City, BC

Reconnect thru nature, horses & in relationship with others by Activating your Hope during these uncertain times. No riding/horse experience. 

We’re living and leading through unprecedented times of uncertainty, which can bring about anxiety, overwhelm, disconnection and stuck feelings. Uncertainty isn’t a problem to be solved, but it can be an opportunity for growth. We must learn to lead ourselves and others through it.

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Meet SueExperience Yourself Through the Eyes, Heart and Way of the Horse

Horses have always been a part of my life. When I’m around horses, it’s the most fulfilling place in the world I can be. I’ve cofounded organizations, sat on boards, and know firsthand what it’s like to build a business from the ground up. I know the corporate world, I’ve lived it: the relentless frenzy of “human doing” rather than “human being.”

But horses have always been a constant positive force constantly guiding me back to who I am and who I want to be. They’ve helped me ground back to my inner knowing, teaching me to slow down and live life fully, authentically, even light-heartedly. They teach me to be true, having never left me in the dirt.

I’ve been a professional coach for over ten years. After witnessing the power of horses to be master teachers when given the chance, I realized my purpose was to incorporate my lived experiences in the business world and my training as a coach with my passion for these incredible animals. And I want you to discover that power, to release your untapped potential, to build your endurance for this windy ride called life, and to become the person you were born to be. Are you ready to step into your leadership? Come learn how to experience yourself through the eyes, heart and way of the horse! 

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